I have so many interests, and I'll usually try anything once, so my posts aren't focused, they aren't subject specific, they're just here for anyone to read and hopefully someone, sometime, will find something that piques their interest, encourages them, lends information, makes them laugh, awakens a hidden passion, or...just helps them get through their boring day at work. :o) Have fun!

A few of my favorites from across the web:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Whoo! Man, have we been busy!

 I don't even remember everything that has happened since my last post, so I'll just kind of fill in some details about why I haven't been posting and move on from there.

 Austin got home from training on Dec. 17 and as soon as he got home we started packing and cleaning and getting everything in order for our drive to Eglin AFB, FL. YAY! Of course, there was Christmas with my family in there which was an absolute ball. I think I've finally crossed that line of wanting presents and wanting to just see my kids open theirs. Of course, the lovely pearl earrings Austin got me didn't hurt either. ;)
 We left Washington on January 1st. Happy New Year to us! Hooray! We stopped in California for a day to see Austin's family and celebrate our niece's 1st birthday. It was so cute. My sis-in-law, Crystal, made the cake and a friend of hers drew up some decorations. It was all Dr. Seuss themed, and I absolutely love Dr. Seuss. The cake was the hate of the infamous Cat in the Hat and it was absolutely adorable, and delicious.
 Then from Cali we drove through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and finally Florida. It seemed like it took forever, but then just a couple days ago I was talking to a guy who drove here all the way from Alaska! OMG! That is one drive that would probably make me go clinically insane. Washington to here has me halfway there already. haha
 So, of course, on the way here we had to eat out for almost every single meal, and I gained so much weight from the holidays and the trip....ugh. Fatty mcFat Pants, reporting. So I've been busting my own butt trying to get back in shape for the last couple weeks, now. It's not easy when Austin brings home beer, or if I really get the itch to bake cookies and stuff like that. I have been doing really well at only eating starchy carbs after resistance workouts, and keeping my meals starch-carb free at all other times. I just know if I actually made cookies I probably wouldn't be able to resist them. I have no self-control when it comes to desserts. haha
 I've had a few "down" moments where I look at myself in the mirror and see my saggy belly skin and stretch marks and groan inwardly that I'll never be on of those "hot" moms, but then I remind myself that I've really only been being strict with myself and really pushing hard and eating well for a couple weeks. I don't think I've been doing that since the beginning of October, so I get what I get, ya know?
 And, of course, when I get in those "down" moods I start researching ways to lose weight faster and find all sorts of weird diets and pills and blah, blah, blah. But even the natural ones pretty much say the same thing or have the same ingredients with a few variations.
 Here's the breakdown:

1. You've GOT to watch your diet
 a. Low-carb for those wanting to shed fat
 b. Divide your weight in half and that's how many grams of protein you should be eating, daily.
 d. Eat healthy fats: mostly coconut oil and fatty whole foods like avocados, and also small amounts of olive oil and butter.
 e. Eat foods that boost your metabolism and are "cleansing." I.e. ginger, cayenne, lemon, fresh parsley, greens, etc.
 f. Do quarterly cleansings - colon, liver, gall bladder, kidney
 g. Supplement with natural, whole food supplements for optimal health

2. Exercise!
 a. HIIT is best for shedding fat
 b. Don't ignore resistance training - EVEN WOMEN
 c. Warm up, cool down, and stretch
 d. Body weight is highly effective

 So all these people advertising their diets and programs as "one of a kind" and "do MY program for the BEST results" are really just people trying to put a new spin on common sense. The TRULY one-of-a-kind diet I've found is the hcg diet. Most people I've known that have tried it said it worked wonders for them. My mother is living proof. After years of wanting to shed excess fat and eating a healthy diet and working out like a mad woman, she finally found a way to get rid of her body fat - and she's pre-menopausal! I did it, but I don't think I had enough to lose, at the time, to restrict my calories to 500 a day. Your body is supposed to get the extra nutrients and calories it needs from released fat stores, but didn't have much to draw from. I could probably redo it now and experience fantastic results, but I don't have money and I have no desire to stick a needle in my skin every morning again. Ugh. Unpleasant at best.
 So, for now, I'm going to stick with my healthy eating and workout routines, alternating HIIT, resistance, and probably some www.bodyrock.tv thrown in every few days or so.
 I can't get enough of that site! Freddy and Zuzanna are so inspiring and her body is great. It just MAKES me want to work out if I could even come close to what she looks like I would be ecstatic! They just took a trip to Seychelles and updated their blog with workouts on the beach, etc. I can't wait for the weather to start warming up, here so I can start working out at the beach. WOO HOO!!! Then jump in the ocean for a swim!
 Of course, I'll have the girls with me most of the time, so I've gotta figure out how to keep them safe WHILE working out. They usually like to try to copy me, so I shouldn't have any trouble.

 One thing I wanted to talk about a little bit before I get going for the day:

 We really need to focus on little things in life and be thankful for even the small blessings. I've been able to write this is peace and quiet with classical music playing on my Pandora because Mercedes and Cashlynn have decided to take a nap together this afternoon. I'm alone. And I'm relaxed because I don't have any laundry to do, the house is clean, there are a few dishes in the sink, but nothing to worry about, and I know what I'm making for dinner tonight. Plus, bills are paid, I've been absolutely saturating myself in time with God - Mercedes has been a real encouragement to talk to Him like he is in the room, like I would to a friend, writing in my journal, researching my hobbies on the internet, and it really just seems like I've got a huge smile resting on my life, straight from the face of God. I know, it's a weird analogy, but that's what it feels like. I am so thankful for this time so I can gear up for the next challenge and fight the fight with a JOYFUL heart, because I know that no matter what I face, in the end God has the victory, even if it seems like I fail. I know hard times will come again, and there are issues in my life that haven't reached a resolution, yet, but God is timeless - which means He has the victory NOW - which means I can rejoice in the victory EVERY DAY even when it seems like I'm losing the fight. I've got to remember to take my eyes of myself and place them on the Lord and draw close to Him and He will draw near to me. I don't always feel close, I don't always feel happy, I don't always feel exceptionally "holy," but there are countless verses to build up my spirit, and yours, when we reach places like that in our life. Just because we don't "feel" it doesn't mean the the blood of Jesus has suddenly stopped working. We're still covered, we're still redeemed, we're still loved, and maybe we just need to step back into the flow. I know that seems very vague. "How do you 'step into the flow'?"
 I would say just read the words that Jesus spoke, especially to his disciples and when he was teaching the masses. He is so loving, and if we can remember that we are his friends, that really makes such a huge difference.
 Another thing that makes a big difference is really making him LORD of your life. If we didn't have all the societal norms and rules and political correctness or incorrectness and all these outside influences telling us what is right and wrong, what would we have left? The guidance of the Holy Spirit and our own conscience. That's IT! So I've really started trying to listen to those two things only, and obviously my husband since I am called to submit to him, and it has made such a difference in the way I approach life. I pray happily for changes to take place, because I know God wins. I pray in love for the people who have been, or who are unkind to me. It's just a crazy difference when you get rid of all the garbage and really listen to the Spirit.
 Anyway....I'm going to start rambling in a second if I don't stop now. Just a few things to think about, and hopefully it won't take me months to post again.
 'Til next time!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you did this post. You echoed the exact thoughts I've been having. I'm glad that you're doing well!
