I have so many interests, and I'll usually try anything once, so my posts aren't focused, they aren't subject specific, they're just here for anyone to read and hopefully someone, sometime, will find something that piques their interest, encourages them, lends information, makes them laugh, awakens a hidden passion, or...just helps them get through their boring day at work. :o) Have fun!

A few of my favorites from across the web:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sugaring...and a new realization

So tonight I'm trying sugaring 'cuz I just don't want to shell out $50 bucks every time I want to get waxed. Plus, it hurts like a sunuvagun and it's awkward having someone...you know...down there. So, cheaper, less painful, more private, and it's supposed to last longer than waxing. So I'm giving it a try.
 Here's the link to the video I used to make it.
I burned my first batch, so I've got my second one cooking right now. Hopefully I don't get too distracted and burn this one, too.
  Well, it's definitely not over done. I just tested it on my arm and it's not coming off like it's supposed to. I've read a lot of thing that say it's supposed to be great on legs but more painful (though not as much as waxing) on underarms and bikini area. I suppose it'll probably take a little bit of practice to get my bikini area since I'm doing this on my own. That's the area I'm testing tonight because I just shaved my legs and underarms this morning.
 But can you imagine the jubilation if this actually works?! OMG! Not having to shave anything for SIX WHOLE WEEKS! This is gonna be great.............................................................please work.

 And my new realization. I'm a beauty junkie. I never wanted to admit it 'cuz I didn't want to be one of "those girls." You know, the ones who have to go to the bathroom every ten minutes to check if they have on enough lip gloss or carry a straightener around in their purse for fly aways. Nuh uh. No thank you. Then I realized, if I do things effectively enough, I won't HAVE to take all those breaks and constantly be worried about how I look. What if I trained my hair to not hate me? What if I didn't have to be worried about not having time to shave my legs the day of the pool party? What if I took care of myself and didn't have to worry about which face wash is better for acne just because my body isn't full of acne-producing toxins?
 I've got the hair and skin under control, so here's to my new venture on sugaring. I'll let you all know how it goes. Obviously, there will be no pictures of this test run. ;)

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